Key Worker Positions
Key worker positions are paid positions (usually paid with vouchers towards a future club trial entry).
Chair Person - Trial Secretary
1) Coordinate with Site Coordinator to verify site selection, dates and contract
2) Determine number of rings, number of judges, and classes to be offered
3) Coordinate with Secretary to verify event dates, entry opening and closing dates, limits, etc.
4) Advertise trial if new dates or locations
5) Secure judge(s) or work with Judge Coordinator (AKC) and confirm with judge(s)
6) Finalize judging contract(s)
7) Send judge(s) their class assignments, ring dimensions, and list of equipment
8) Submit Trial Application online
9) Complete judging assignments online
10) Select committee members
11) Verify with Awards Coordinator that ribbons are ordered and Championship Bars prepared
12) Verify with Equipment Coordinator that all equipment is ready
13) Secure equipment with outside providers if necessary (club swap or rental)
14) Arrange for Concessionaire, if necessary (Could be done by Hospitality or Vendor Coordinator?)
15) Coordinate with CRS on number of all-day volunteers needed
16) Confirm with outside help (dog clubs, social groups, baseball teams) for all-day volunteers if needed
17) Assist Secretary in Premium preparation
18) Check for hotels & RV parks in area near trial site that accept dogs
19) Verify with Secretary that Premium has been posted to group lists, club website, and sent to judge(s)
20) Make hotel reservations for judge(s)
21) Arrange judge’s transportation (rental car or transportation from/to airport and to/from site)
22) Make arrangements to transport club equipment to trial site
23) Confirm with Loaning club/Rental transport of their equipment to trial site; Verify Timers since they are stored separately
24) Arrange committee/judge(s)/rep parking passes if needed
25) Arrange for Security for outdoor trials if needed
26) Rent porta-potties if needed
27) Rent stanchions, tables and chairs if needed
28) Rent swamp coolers, fans if needed
29) Purchase Judge Gift(s)
30) Submit paperwork for VMO(s) (AKC only), check with Secretary on which VMOs are entered
31) Coordinate with Vendor person regarding number and location of vendors
32) Confirm with Awards Coordinator that ribbons, Championship bars, etc, will be available
33) Coordinate setup: post notice, determine leads for each area if desired (course setup, barrier setup , crating setup, misc. setup, etc)
34) Make sure miscellaneous non-secretarial supplies are purchased (ring barrier, batteries, surveyor tape, etc.)
35) Make sure club checkbook and valid signatory will be available
36) Coordinate with Secretary on final preparation a. Coordinate to set up judging schedule b. Verify that confirmations/judging programs have been sent/posted, including to judge(s) c. Coordinate to provide necessary signs d. Confirm that all computer systems are working and ready
37) Coordinate with CRS to get the volunteer spreadsheets posted and that positions are filled
38) Coordinate to get the volunteer vouchers printed (currently done by Red I believe)
39) Coordinate with Site Coordinator on final site preparation a. Surface preparation (dirt – fluffed, grass – mowed & irrigation off, inside – extra items moved (soccer nets, etc.) b. Availability of: Keys, People gates (Dougco), Water/hose, Electricity, Bathrooms, as needed
40) Confirm with Hospitality on final preparation a. Lunches or concessionaire will be available b. Judge(s) special food requests will be available c. Arrangement of coffee, make or through concessionaire
41) Coordinate with Judge(s) for final arrangements a. Confirm travel, transportation and hotel arrangements b. Confirm for special food/beverage needs, forward to Hospitality c. Get course setup maps
42) Arrange Judge’s Dinner (check that judges want to attend), invite committee (Could be done by Hospitality?)
43) Arrange payment for Judge(s) (get W-9), concessionaire, trailer haulers, all-day volunteers, hospitality, etc.)
44) Confirm with Secretary that final paperwork, Trial Report and Fees are submitted
45) Hand out vouchers for take-down after everything is completed by key workers
46) Collect Lost and Found, post to the list
47) Lock up or check out with staff.
Chief Course Builder
Be at the trial site to set up and do the ring layout as per instructions and measurements provided by judges and trial chair. Make sure there is enough space between walls, barriers, fences and obstacles.
Assemble timers, set displays and speakers.
Ensure there is power (electrical or battery) to all components.
Plug in drill battery chargers. Charge drill batteries if necessary.
Make sure teeter weight and tire scale are available for the judge.
Supervise the ring set up. During the event be available to set up new courses as needed.
Coordinate with other CCBs to be sure someone is always in on a ring re-set.
Make sure all equipment is assembled correctly.
Make sure all equipment is set correctly and secured after the judge’s review of course.
Check equipment for any necessary repairs or replacements and notify equipment manager.
Be on site for trial tear down and be sure that at least one CCB is supervising the trailer loading process.
Chief Score Keeper
The Chief Score Keeper assists in setting up the score table for the trial. Getting computers set up and running. Testing to make sure all functions are working correctly. Setting up the tables for the scoring and for the Judges. Ensuring all necessary supplies are out and available for the start of the trial.
Chief Score Keeper assist the secretary in the managing of the score table making sure all scores are entered in the computer correctly, all reports (posting results and catalog and ribbon labels) are run and checked before posting the results and giving the catalog with scribe sheets to the Judge for their approval. Once approved by the Judge, then makes sure all ribbon labels are out for the competitors and the catalog is filed in the specific book for the class type and in the order required by the venue (AKC,DOCNA,USDAA).
At each day end, assists in making sure the Judges have all their reports, all move ups are done in the computer, with the scribe sheets and on the gate sheets. Assists in running all gate sheets for the next day and posting on the boards for the competitors to check in on the next trial day.
At trial end, assists the secretary in getting all final paperwork printed and ready for submission. Including putting the judges reports together for them the take with them. The catalog pages are all together and approved by the judge and put in the books in the order required by the venue.
Makes sure all ribbon labels are out so they can be picked up by the competitors.
Helps in packing up all supplies and making sure it is loaded in the yellow trailer and all items needed by the Secretary are loaded with the Secretary’s personal items.
Requires working knowledge of computers. Organization skills and people skills to assist those volunteers who help at the score table and to answer competitor’s scoring questions. Also requires staying to the very end each day making sure all records are finalized and stored as needed.
Trial Secretary
The Trial Secretary is a paid position. It requires a person that is willing to complete tasks as a self-starter. The position requires strong computer skills and a strong understanding of Trial Genie and MS Access, and MS Outlook. There is no technical support, so this position requires a person that can solve computer issues alone. The secretary must have the ability to work well with people and handle the stress of a trial environment. Additionally, the secretary must be current on ALL AKC Rules and Regulations. All correspondence sent as the club representative should be up-to-date. The Secretary must have high speed internet access.
Secretarial duties will include, but not necessarily limited to, are: Preparation and AKC approval of the premium at a minimum of two months before the opening date. The premium should be reviewed by the trial chair and made available to all potential exhibitors. Verification of Trial information reported on the AKC website, including set-up and maintenance of Online entries. Input of all entries and maintenance of wait-list, if necessary; download online entries into test database and final download of online entries after closing. In the case of a one-ring trial, the secretary will understand the Random Draw process for both online and paper entries. Send out preliminary and final confirmations to exhibitors and, if a random draw trial, send exhibitors “in for the draw” status and waitlist status notifications.
A comprehensive and Balanced Treasurer’s report, including the online entries, and each participant’s checks which will be given to the Treasurer at an agreed upon time, as close to closing as possible. Preparation of all necessary trial documents including: Confirmation letters, gate steward sheets, blank labels, blank catalogs, emergency scoring documents, running orders, check-in documents, emergency disaster documents, facility signs, and Judging Schedule. Manage the day-to-day trial and oversee the Chief Scorekeepers to insure that the catalog is completed and signed by the judges.
The trial results will be displayed electronically and the exhibitors will have access to their scores via a computer. The set-up for this requires the secretary understand how to network computers and access the database within the network. The secretary will be available for check-in and any other issue that may arise. At the conclusion of the trial, complete all AKC required paperwork and file it with AKC in accordance to their procedures within the given time-frame, so as not to be assessed a penalty. Additionally, email all exhibitors their final results and email AKC the electronic catalog.
Chief Ring Steward
The Chief Ring Steward schedules the workers for each ring. There can be up to 3 Chief Ring Stewards depending on how many rings are running. (1 per ring) The CRS needs to be there for set up to get the volunteer table ready and make sure there are enough tables and chairs for workers in each ring.
The CRS also needs to be there at the end of each day to make sure all rings have been manned including the last class of the day and to make sure all is set up for the next trial day. On the last trial day the CRS needs to be there until the end to clean up their area and help to close the trial down which includes loading equipment and cleaning up.
The CRS creates and maintains a Google Spreadsheet for volunteer sign up. The spreadsheet link is posted to the Colorado Agility Yahoo group with all the worker positions required to run the trial. The spreadsheet also includes any all day workers or Rescue group helping at the trial.
Pre Trial Prep: 3 days prior to the trial, makes any adjustments to the workers and prints the Google Doc Worker Sheet and have enlarged for use at the trial.
At The Trial: Posts the worker’s sheets at the worker table for those who didn’t sign up on line and to fill the blank positions. Calls for workers as needed to make sure each ring has enough workers to complete each class or height group. Issues workers vouchers to those who worked and makes sure the Key Position people have enough to give to their workers.(Chief Course Builders, Chief Score Keepers, Chair).
The Last classes of the day and the First classes of the day are usually the hardest to fill. But they are equally important to have manned. It can be helpful to split a worker spots as needed for walking courses or giving all day worker breaks as needed. Should the score table be a long way from the ring, or like Jeffco where there is a barrier.Two scribe runners may be used if the distance from the ring to the score table is far.
Coordinates with trial chair to get the judge(s) special requests for snacks and drinks prior to the trial Coordinates with the trial chair for coffee – vendor coupons, or bring in coffee. If vendor coupons are going to be used, print the coupons prior to the trial.
Sets up hospitality table early each morning and cleans the hospitality area each evening.
Sets up judge’s cooler and judge’s snacks in a location convenience for them.
Orders lunch for workers and judge if a food vendor isn’t at the trial Check with judge(s) periodically throughout the day for refreshment & lunch needs
Provide drinks for all workers and judges at trial Arranges for coolers, water, ice, and coffee each morning for the workers and judge(s). Cold drinks need to be iced all day
Provides something to eat for the workers coming early in the morning, such as donuts, rolls, bagels Provides light munchies for workers and judges throughout the day, such as fruit, pretzels, candy and cookies
Replenishes hospitality supplies (paper goods), if needed, throughout the trial Cleans bowls/containers at the end of the trial prior to re-packing in the trailer.
At the conclusion of the trial re-packs the hospitality trailer